The 4D Web Companion: Recommended Books

Many skills are required to build great Web database applications, including database design, programming, graphic design, interaction design, HTML and CSS markup, and usability. The books recommended in The 4D Web Companion, and listed here, are easy-to-read and filled with excellent content. Visit the book reviews index for additional reviews.

Web Design and Usability

For more suggestions, visit the Web Design, Usability , User Interface, and Information Design review pages on the main site.

Designing Web Usability: The Practice of Simplicity by Jakob Nielsen
Web sites succeed or fail depending on whether people reuse the site. Read this book instead of guessing what makes Web sites usable. Jakob Nielsen is the world’s best known Web usability researcher and author. Most of his time is devoted to real clients in the real world, so his suggestions are practical. If you’re new to Web design, this book will help you avoid dozens of common mistakes. If you’re an experienced Web designer, this book will give you new ideas and methods for your next project. Most emphatically recommended.
Information Architecture for the World Wide Web by Louis Rosenfeld and Peter Morville
Information Architecture is as useful as Designing Web Usability. The authors were trained as librarians. They apply centuries of library research and best practices to organizing and presenting information on the Web. This book is filled with practical details, specific suggestions, and useful background information. Most highly recommended.
Philip and Alex’s Guide to Web Publishing by Philip Greenspun
Philip is cranky, smart, and funny. His travel writings and photographs have been, at times, among the ten most visited sites on the Web. This book is a one-of-a-kind look at Web-database publishing from someone who actually knows what he’s talking about. You can read the book on-line if you don’t want a copy on paper. Visit that link when you have a few hours. I spent a couple of hours at the site when I first found it. A real jewel.
Usability Engineering by Jakob Nielsen
There isn’t a better introduction to usability engineering. Most highly recommended.

HTML, CSS and JavaScript

For more suggestions, visit the HTML review page on the main site.

HTML and XHTML: The Definitive Guide from O’Reilly & Associates
This book is comprehensive, well organized, and well written. This is the HTML guide I reach for first. However, if you have no experience with HTML, you may find that it doesn't have enough screen shots.
HTML: The Complete Reference by Thomas A. Powell
An HTML encyclopedia of sorts, this book is as good as O’Reilly's guide and includes more screen shots.
HTML 4 for Dummies by Ed Tittel and Natanya Pitts
If you like the Dummies books, this is a good first HTML book. The discussion is clear and not intimidating, and the technical content is accurate and detailed enough.
Cascading Style Sheets, Second Edition: Designing for the Web by Hakon Wium Lie, Bert Bos, Robert Cailliau
The authors of this book created the CSS standard. This discussion is comprehensive and detailed. The book does not assume you know HTML, but it is better if you are comfortable with HTML basics. If you read this book, also read about the reality of CSS in existing browsers. The Fear of Style Sheets series, at the A List Apart, site is excellent.
JavaScript Bible by Danny Goodman and Brendan Eich
This encyclopedic guide is the most frequently recommended JavaScript reference available. If you like Danny Goodman's approach to writing and scripting, you'll love this book.
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide by David Flanagan
This title from O’Reilly is a worthwhile alternative to the JavaScript Bible for people who prefer the O’Reilly's style.


For more reviews, visit the Programming, Database Design, and Project Management pages on the main site.

Mastering Regular Expressions edited by Jeffrey E. Friedl and Andy Oram
If you're learning regular expressions, get a copy of this book.
Code Complete by Steve McConnell
More specific and practical programming advice than I've found in any other place written in plain language. Ideal for self-taught programmers. This book should count for at least three of the top ten books.
The 4D 6.5 Companion by David Adams
The most detailed and comprehensive guide to 4D 6.5 available. All of the contents apply to 4D 6.7 and later as well.
This product is distributed by Automated Solutions Group.
Programming 4th Dimension: The Ultimate Guide by David Adams and Dan Beckett
Obviously if you’re interested in 4D, you should read this book ;-)
This product is distributed by Automated Solutions Group.

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